Epic Cinematic Game Trailer Festival

I really don't like playing video games, but some game trailers are excellent. I've put together a nice collection for your viewing pleasure. Pop some popcorn, turn down the lights, and enjoy. (Mature Content Warning: Some of these trailers have graphic and disturbing content. Viewer discretion is advised.)



Assassin's Creed - Elise

Fable Legends

Ryse: Son of Rome - Damocles


Witcher III (Night to Remember)

Witcher III (Wild Hunt)


League of Legends

League of Legends: Bard

League of Legends: Twist of Fate

Onimusha 3

The Elder Scrolls - The Three Fates

Dead Island 2

Tempest 1981


Update: We just posted our second Epic Cinematic Game Trailer Festival!
There are even more trailers available here for your viewing pleasure.